The Virtual Armchair General
"The WarGamer's Enabler!"

Exclusive Provider of Unique Wargames and
Collectible Miniatures & Accessories

Products by
The (Virtual) Armchair General's "Virtual" Cafe Press Shop!

(Kept in Memory of Spyros Koumousis)

Houston's 28mm Naval Guns & Fittings
We Only Kill Each Other
Mean Streets
Mean Sets
Rum Runners!
28mm Freighter, Gunboat, Trawler, & More Ship Models
The Preziosi OB's Collection
The Kris And The Flame!
"Send A Gunboat!
European Warships & More"
"Send A Gunboat!
Native War Ships & Canoes"
"Send A Gunboat...Guns!
15mm Weapons & Ships Fittings"
Game Card Decks
for TSATF/800FE
& Other Rules
Studio 33--Game Accessories
Authorized Play Aids For TSATF & 800FE
TVAG Publishing
War Game Rules & Books

TVAG's Bargain Bunker--
New STUFF Added As We Find It!

Products by

Mexican War Collection

Sikh Wars Collection

Maratha Wars

Mahdist Wars Collection

Little Flags Collection for Funny Little Wars

19th Century Chinese


Chinese Pirates


"Imitation Foreign Devils"


"Splendid Little Warriors"
(TRUE 25mm & 15mm War Game Figures)

25mm Abyssinians

25mm Asante

25mm Maori

25mm "Viva Juarez!"

15mm "Rough Riders!"

15mm "Perdicaris Alive, Or Raisuli Dead!"

15mm Special Mexican War Range for GTSTE

25mm Houston's Naval Guns
& Fittings


Send A Gunboat!

Rum Runners!

Patriot Properties

25/15mm Native Huts & Longhouses

25mm Maori Buildings

25mm/15mm East Indian Buildings

25/15mm Field Earth Works

"Rough Riders" Buildings
& Block Houses
(Cuba, 1898)

28mm Mean Streets!

28mm Mean Sets!

54mm/1:32 Card Models/Accessories
"Little Houses"
"Little Wheels"
"Little... Stuff"

54mm Tudor Towne

54mm "On The Border"


US Mexican War Uniforms & Weapons Page for GTSTE

"In The Pipe"--
Titles & Products In Development
TVAG Interviewed by "Warning Order" E-zine

the General


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The latter rates are calculated by weight and size of package, and while potentially less expensive for smaller orders, they quickly climb to the point where Priority Mail will in fact be far more economical.

This information will be explained in an E-mail of acknowledgment to Overseas Customers upon receipt of their orders.

TVAG's policy is not to profit from postage at any price, though not to lose money, either, so the amounts charged are the best we can offer.

Still trying to earn your business, and make your hobby coins go as far as possible, we remain


Now, for those who game the French and Indian, Revolutionary, and 1812 Wars of early America can now add up to 14 authentic building designs to their table tops for a fraction of the price of resin and other media models. TVAG's newest range of cardstock self-assembly models in 28mm (1:60 scale) cost $10.00 each, but some offerings have two or even three stand alone structures for the price. For full details and many photos of each, just click on the Logo above, sit back, enjoy a cup of coffee, and take the tour.

(Tea Drinkers are welcome, but should feel ashamed!)

"Rum Runners! The Reports of It's Death Have Been Exaggerated!"

After a long hiatus, Bob First has dropped a ship load of... Ships!. Seven entirely new vessels, all in 28mm, thoroughly decked out with all the latest Ships Fittings from the Houston Range, are now offered for as long as they last. New Freighters, one large and two small, are once again available for your Pulp or other games as Smugglers, Tramps, or for hire on your next trip to Skull Island. But there are also Subchasers, a Patrol Boat, and the Trawler, "Wizard," and even a Submarine to add depth to any sort of game. WW II Commando raids, Spy scenarios, and whatever else your imagination requires to make for the most amazing games you've ever played. Here are some shots straight from the ship builder's work bench.


There are so many more to see, so here's the direct LINK. Go ahead and see which one(s) make your wargames look like they should!

Now, almost the entire original range of Richard Houston's metal castings has now been replaced with superior 3D resin prints. For all the new items and photos,follow this LINK to the page.

For Your Information


Where The General Tells You More Than He Knows
About What's Going On In The Background Here

October, 2024

"Houston's Naval Guns And Ship Fittings"
The transition from the original 25mm metal castings from worn out molds, to cutting edge 28mm 3D resin printed models is essentially complete. Only two items remain in metal (the Maratha Lion Mortar and Burmese "Fish Gun", and they will be replaced in due course, as well.

New items include a "Dragon Head" Siege/Heavy Gun for a Chinese Army--or Fantasy, for that matter--and an authentic Siege/Heavy Gun based on Asian types used from China to India. These replace the old"Dog Head" and "Native Siege Gun&" castings of yore. These are single piece prints--no wheels or separate barrels to assemble--and ready to paint and add to your table.

Also, the equally old "Hotchkiss MG on Light Carriage" has also been replaced with a highly detailed resin print.

And finally, an entirely new new item has been added: A large Gun House on a revolving mount, with open back, mounting a heavy caliber gun. This is an impressively big piece that allows modelers to move up to ever larger and more "modern" Gunboat designs than before.

And, as ever, here's the LINK to go see for yourself.

"The Sword And The Flame"/"800 Fighting Englishmen" Game Card Decks
The transition from professionally printed Game Decks to PDF files for self-printing continues. Again, this became inescapable as the price of printing became insupporatble. Since the last post here on the matter, the number of Decks now offered in this format has grown to six, and are still full-sized and full color. The prices for these are reduced to reflect the change, and all are still delivered via E-mail, free of postage. Other Game Decks for both rule sets are still available while supplies last.

To see all of TVAG's various Game Decks, just follow this LINK

The Sun Never Sets Project continues as Chris Ferree has nearly completed his unique solo variant to TSNS. It is a computer moderated system that eliminates virtually record keeping on the part of the Player as Prime Minister, providing an amazing experience of Parliament to be jostled and persuaded to support your Imperial Program. It will be offered FREE with future orders of either the Print or PDF Editions of the current 40th Anniversary Edition. Owners of that Edition may receive the Solo Computer Variant simply by requesting their copy from TVAG.

There is a good deal of Beta testing still going on, with tweaks and adjustments being made, but when we think it's fully ready to roll, it will be trumpeted here a TVAG and elsewhere.

Believe me when I say there's nothing like this system out there for any wargame, and it will provide all the miniature Colonial Battles you could ever hope for!

The eponymous new range of 15mm Colonial Figures for TSNS continues to expand, and is well past the 3/4's mark. When ready, there will be not only all the standard British/Imperial troop types, but more Native Armies and their unique warriors than have ever been produced by a single manufacturer.

That's no brag. Just fact!

From the Abor of the NE Frontier, to three uniform types of Regular Afghan Infantry and two of Cavalry, Burmese War Elephants, Hales Rockets (9- & 24-pdr), Gardner, Nordenfelt, Gatling MG's (in multiple variants of each), Gunboats, Boer Artillery--from the 1st War!--and transport in greater variety than ever before (ox-carts, GS Wagons, Colonial Wagons, Pack Camels, Elephants, Mules, etc). Here are some samples.

They're coming ASAP!

The "Prison Project"--This one is simply nuts, a "vanity project" that got out of hand, if ever there was one.

The "Mean Streets/Sets" Prison Collection models are complete and ready for release and will come with crucial accessories. Besides the Prison Cell Bars, there's Guard Rails, roof mounted Siren, furnishings for the Prison Infirmary and Warden's Office. Photos will be posted soon of the other three completed Sets (Dining Hall, Prison Yard/Main Gate, and the Infirmary/Warden's Office. To see the Cell Block, hit this LINK, and to visit "Mean Streets," here's that LINK.

But when I said the project has made it's own "Bust Out!," I meant it. The entire project will only be complete when the first of several sets of completely original, 3D designed 28mm cast figures to populate the Prison Collection is released. The first set of 6 distinct "Convicts" is ready to go, and the second set of 5 Female Convicts (and 1 beast of a Prison Matron!) are nearing completion, and all will be followed by a set of Prison Staff--4 Guards, the Chief of Guards, and the Warden. All Convicts come with separate arm combinations ranging from open-handed, to holding riot weapons, and smuggled firearms, as well as separate heads/hats where fitting. The Guards will have the option of carrying their canes for control, but also their own firearms when it all hits the fan!

These figures are only the beginning of a definitive set of 28mm Street Characters suitable for all RPG's set in the 20's through 40's, be they Pulp, Cthulhoid, Cop/Gangster games. There will be a LOT more on this soon!

The long promised "Tiki Bar" for "Mean Sets" is no longer in "a holding pattern" as the aforementioned special furnishings for it are now being designed for 3D printing. But that's a footnote to the news that an entire range of "Mean Streets Scatter" is well underway: 28mm

And now, we return you to the dance portion of our broadcast....

"In The Pipe"

This page provides progress reports on the latest projects under development for TVAG. Just click on "In The Pipe" here or on the Navigation Bar button under "Features" to take a first peak at new rules titles, gaming accessories and miniatures lines in various stages of development.

WHO ARE WE ... And What's the Deal?

to war gaming and history sites on the web

All text, photos, and artwork are COPYRIGHT©2003 by Patrick Wilson.
They may not be used without written permission.

Contact The Virtual Armchair General

Names of individual product lines are trademarks (TM) of the manufacturers.