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French Colonial Campaigns




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The Preziosi Collection
19th Century & Colonial Era
Orders of Battle

Compiled and Edited by Andrew Preziosi

French Conquest of Dahomey, 1889-1894


The 1890 Campaign:

Dahomey1889.00 French Forces, Porto-Novo Incident, April 4, 1889

Dahomey1890.00 French Expeditionary Force, Kotonou, February 21, 1890 

Dahomey1890.01 Parade State, Regiments of the Royal Army of Dahomey, 1890 Campaign

Dahomey1890.02 Parade State, Component Tribal Companies, Royal Army of Dahomey, 1890 Campaign

Dahomey1890.03 Parade State, Component Tribal Companies, Corps of Amazons, Royal Army of

Dahomey, 1890 Campaign

Dahomey1890.04 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Force, Combat of Atchoupa, April 20, 1890


Price: $18.00


The 1892 Campaign:

Dahomey1892.000 Dispositions, Fon (Dahomean) Forces, June 1892

Dahomey1892.00A Parade State, French Expeditionary Force, Benin Coast & Dahomey, October 1892

Dahomey1892.00B Order of Battle, French Naval Forces, Benin-Dahomey, August 23rd 1892

Dahomey1892.01 Assembly, Transport and Arrival at Benin (Cotonou), Initial Contingent, French

Expeditionary Force, July-August 1892

Dahomey1892.02 Situation Summary of Available Troops, French Establishments, Benin, August 7, 1892

Dahomey1892.03 French Forces, On Station and Enroute to, Dahomey, August 8, 1892

Dahomey1892.04 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Force, Left Bank River L’Oueme’, August

4th, 1892

Dahomey1892.05 Order of Battle, French Forces, Bombardment & Capture of Cotonou, August 9, 1892

Dahomey1892.06 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Force, Kessosu, September 12, 1892

Dahomey1892.07 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Force, Akpa, October 24, 1892


Price: $30.00


The 1894 Campaign:

Dahomey1894.00 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Force, Zagnanado December 31, 1893


Price: $4.00

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